Source code for ofiber.planar_step

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
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# pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
Useful routines for step-index planar waveguides.

See <> for usage examples.

A step-index planar waveguide is a flat waveguide that consists of three layers.
Let z be the direction of light propagation through the waveguide.  Let x be the
direction normal to the surface, and then the y-direction is parallel to the
planes of the waveguide.

The top and bottom layers are semi-infinite with constant index of refraction.
The middle layer has a fixed thickness and a fixed index of refraction. This
waveguide is slightly simpler mathematically to solve than the cylindrical
waveguide and serves as a useful preliminary model that exhibits general
behaviors found in most waveguides.

The functions fall into two classes, those for transverse electric fields (TE)
and those for transverse magnetic fields (TM).  A transverse electric field
only has an electric field in the y-direction.  Similarly the TM field only has
a magnetic field in the y-direction.

The transverse electric field routines are::

    TE_crossing(V, mode)
    TE_field(V, d, x, mode)
    TE_propagation_constant(V, mode)

The transverse electric routines are::

    TM_crossing(V, mode)
    TM_field(V, n1, n2, d, x, mode)
    TM_propagation_constant(V, mode, n1, n2)

Based on chapter 7 of Ghatak and Thyagarajan, *An Introduction to
Fiber Optics*, Cambridge University Press, 1998.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import brentq

__all__ = ('TE_crossing',

def _base_mode_plot(V):
    Plot the symmetric and asymmetric modes in a planar waveguide.

        V: the V-parameter for the waveguide

        a matplotlib.pyplot object
    abit = 1e-5

    _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))

    xi = np.linspace(abit, np.pi / 2 - abit, 50)
    while xi[0] < V / 2:
        plt.plot(xi, xi * np.tan(xi), color='red')
        xi += np.pi / 2

    xi = np.linspace(np.pi / 2, np.pi - abit, 50)
    while xi[0] < V / 2:
        plt.plot(xi, -xi / np.tan(xi), '--b')
        xi += np.pi


    return plt

[docs] def TE_mode_plot(V): """ Plot the symmetric and asymmetric TE modes in a planar waveguide. Args: V: the V-parameter for the waveguide Returns: a matplotlib.pyplot object """ abit = 1e-5 xi = np.linspace(0, V / 2 - abit, 100) circle = np.sqrt((V / 2)**2 - xi**2) aplt = _base_mode_plot(V) aplt.plot(xi, circle, ':k') ystr = r'$\xi\,\tan\xi$ or $-\xi\,\cot\xi$ or $\sqrt{V^2/4-\xi^2}$' aplt.ylabel(ystr) aplt.title('TE Modes in Planar Film Waveguide (V=%.2f)' % V) aplt.ylim(0, V / 2 + 1) aplt.xlim(0, V / 2 + 1) return aplt
def _TE_mode(xi, *args): """ Return the value of TE eigenvalue equation. The zeros of eigenvalue equation determine the eigenvalues which in turn are needed to determine the propagation factor for a planar waveguide. The planar waveguide characteristics are passed as a 2-element array. Args: xi : non-dimensional propagation value in waveguide arg[0]: the V-parameter for the waveguide arg[1]: the desired mode (even values are symmetric) Returns: the distance from a solution """ V = args[0] mode = args[1] if mode % 2 == 0: return xi * np.tan(xi) - np.sqrt(V**2 / 4 - xi * xi) return xi / np.tan(xi) + np.sqrt(V**2 / 4 - xi * xi)
[docs] def TE_crossing(V, mode): """ Return the TE eigenvalue for a planar waveguide mode. The eigenvalue, xi, satisfies the eigenvalue equation for the specified TE mode in a planar waveguide. The solution is found numerically using the Brent method. The only tricky bit is setting the proper range to search within. Args: V : the V-parameter for the waveguide mode : the mode Returns: the eigenvalue. If no eigenvalue, 0 is returned. """ abit = 1e-5 lo = abit + mode * np.pi / 2 hi = min(np.pi / 2 - abit + mode * np.pi / 2, V / 2) if lo > V / 2: return 0 # mode does not exist try: b = brentq(_TE_mode, lo, hi, args=(V, mode)) except ValueError: # happens when both hi and lo values have same sign return 0 # therefore no such mode exists return b
[docs] def TE_crossings(V): """ Return all the TE eigenvalues for a planar waveguide. Args: V : the V-parameter for the waveguide Returns: an array eigenvalues. """ ncross = int(V / np.pi) + 1 crossings = np.empty(ncross) for mode in range(ncross): crossings[mode] = TE_crossing(V, mode) return crossings
[docs] def TM_mode_plot(V, n1, n2): """ Plot the symmetric and asymmetric TM modes in a planar waveguide. Args: V: the V-parameter for the waveguide n1: index of refraction inside the waveguide n2: index of refraction of the cladding Returns: a matplotlib.pyplot object """ abit = 1e-5 xi = np.linspace(0, V / 2 - abit, 100) ellipse = (n1 / n2)**2 * np.sqrt((V / 2)**2 - xi**2) aplt = _base_mode_plot(V) aplt.plot(xi, ellipse, ':k') ystr = r'$\xi\,\tan\xi$ or $-\xi\,\cot\xi$ or' ystr = ystr + r'$(n_1/n_2)^2\sqrt{V^2/4-\xi^2}$' aplt.ylabel(ystr) aplt.title('TM Modes in Planar Film Waveguide (V=%.2f)' % V) ymax = (n1 / n2)**2 * V / 2 aplt.ylim(0, ymax + 1) aplt.xlim(0, ymax + 1) return aplt
def _TM_mode(xi, *args): """ Return the value of TM eigenvalue equation. The zeros of eigenvalue equation determine the eigenvalues which in turn are needed to determine the propagation factor for a planar waveguide. The planar waveguide characteristics are passed as a 4-element array. Args: xi : non-dimensional propagation value in waveguide arg[0]: the V-parameter for the waveguide arg[1]: index of the planar waveguide arg[2]: index of the cladding arg[3]: the desired mode (even values are symmetric) Returns: the distance from a solution """ V = args[0] n1 = args[1] n2 = args[2] mode = args[3] if mode % 2 == 0: return xi * np.tan(xi) - (n1 / n2)**2 * np.sqrt(V**2 / 4 - xi**2) return xi / np.tan(xi) + (n1 / n2)**2 * np.sqrt(V**2 / 4 - xi**2)
[docs] def TM_crossing(V, n1, n2, mode): """ Return the TM eigenvalue for a planar waveguide mode. The eigenvalue, xi, satisfies the eigenvalue equation for the specified TM mode in a planar waveguide. The solution is found numerically using the Brent method. The only tricky bit is setting the proper range to search within. Args: V : the V-parameter for the waveguide n1 : index of waveguide n2 : index of material next to waveguide mode : desired propagation mode Returns: the eigenvalue. Returns 0 if no eigenvalue. """ abit = 1e-5 lo = abit + mode * np.pi / 2 hi = min(np.pi / 2 - abit + mode * np.pi / 2, V / 2) if lo > V / 2: return 0 # mode does not exist try: b = brentq(_TM_mode, lo, hi, args=(V, n1, n2, mode)) except ValueError: # happens when both hi and lo values have same sign return 0 # therefore no such mode exists return b
[docs] def TM_crossings(V, n1, n2): """ Return all the TM eigenvalues for a planar waveguide. Args: V : the V-parameter for the waveguide n1 : index of waveguide n2 : index of material next to waveguide Returns: an array of eigenvalues """ ncross = int(V / 2 / (np.pi / 2)) + 1 crossings = np.empty(ncross) for mode in range(ncross): crossings[mode] = TM_crossing(V, n1, n2, mode) return crossings
def _basic_field(V, d, x, mode, xi): """ Calculate a field in a planar waveguide. Args: V : the V-parameter for the waveguide d : thickness of the waveguide x : desired field positions mode : specific mode xi : kappa*d/2 for this mode Returns: the field at each position x """ gdby2 = np.sqrt((V / 2)**2 - xi**2) # gamma*d/2 xgamma = 2 / d * gdby2 * abs(x) # gamma*x kappa = 2 / d * xi if mode % 2 == 0: A = np.cos(kappa * x) B = np.cos(xi) * np.exp(gdby2 - xgamma) else: A = np.sin(kappa * x) B = np.sin(xi) * np.sign(x) * np.exp(gdby2 - xgamma) return np.where(abs(x) < d / 2, A, B)
[docs] def TE_field(V, d, x, mode): """ Calculate the TE field in a planar waveguide. Args: V : the V-parameter for the waveguide d : thickness of the waveguide x : desired field positions mode : specific mode Returns: the field at each position x """ xi = TE_crossing(V, mode) E_y = _basic_field(V, d, x, mode, xi) return E_y
[docs] def TM_field(V, n1, n2, d, x, mode): """ Calculate the TM field in a planar waveguide. Args: V : the V-parameter for the waveguide n1 : index of waveguide n2 : index of material next to waveguide d : thickness of the waveguide x : desired field positions mode : specific mode Returns: the field at each position x """ xi = TM_crossing(V, n1, n2, mode) H_y = _basic_field(V, d, x, mode, xi) return H_y
[docs] def TE_propagation_constant(V, mode): """ Calculate the propagation constants for TE modes in a planar waveguide. Args: V : the V-parameter for the waveguide mode : specific mode Returns: an array of propagation constants for each value of V """ b = np.empty_like(V) for i, VV in enumerate(V): xi = TE_crossing(VV, mode) if xi == 0: b[i] = 0 else: b[i] = 1 - (2 * xi / VV)**2 return b
[docs] def TM_propagation_constant(V, n1, n2, mode): """ Calculate the propagation constants for TM modes in a planar waveguide. Args: V : the V-parameter for the waveguide mode : specific mode Returns: an array of propagation constants for each value of V """ b = np.empty_like(V) for i, VV in enumerate(V): xi = TM_crossing(VV, n1, n2, mode) if xi == 0: b[i] = 0 else: b[i] = 1 - (2 * xi / VV)**2 return b