Erbium-Doped Optical Fiber Amplifiers

Scott Prahl

Sept 2023

# Jupyterlite support for ofiber
    import micropip
    await micropip.install("ofiber")
except ModuleNotFoundError:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.integrate
import ofiber

# to make graphs a bit better
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
q = scipy.constants.eV             # Joules
c = scipy.constants.speed_of_light # m/s
k = scipy.constants.Boltzmann      # J/Kelvin
h = scipy.constants.Planck

cross_lambda = 1e-9*np.array([1500.3, 1505.5, 1509.7, 1514.9, 1520.2, 1525.4, 1530.6, 1535.9, 1540.1, 1545.3, 1550.5, 1555.8, 1560.0, 1565.2, 1570.4, 1575.7, 1579.8, 1585.1, 1590.3, 1595.6, 1600.8, 1605.0, 1610.2, 1615.5, 1619.6, 1624.9, 1630.1, 1635.3, 1640.6])

cross_sigma_a = 1e-25*np.array([ 2.257, 2.403, 2.553, 2.744, 3.365, 4.421, 5.379, 4.644, 3.154, 2.850, 2.545, 2.229, 1.859, 1.303, 0.934, 0.759, 0.654, 0.576, 0.503, 0.459, 0.442, 0.402, 0.378, 0.345, 0.325, 0.292, 0.276, 0.252, 0.252])

cross_sigma_se = 1e-25*np.array([ 1.133, 1.340, 1.514, 1.884, 2.489, 3.495, 4.709, 4.644, 3.503, 3.386, 3.410, 3.057, 2.801, 2.180, 1.717, 1.303, 1.133, 0.978, 0.889, 0.804, 0.727, 0.670, 0.609, 0.544, 0.487, 0.426, 0.369, 0.309, 0.268])

def absorption_cross_section(λ):
    Return the absorption cross section (m**2) for a typical erbium doped fiber
    at a wavelength λ (m) based on ghatak Table 14.1
    return np.interp(λ, cross_lambda, cross_sigma_a)

def emission_cross_section(λ):
    Return the emission cross section (m**2) for a typical erbium doped fiber
    at a wavelength λ (m) based on ghatak Table 14.1
    return np.interp(λ, cross_lambda, cross_sigma_se)

Figure 14.13

ell = 0
em = 1
core_radius = 1.5e-6
NA = 0.24
r = np.linspace(0,8* core_radius,2000)
area = np.pi *  core_radius**2

λ = 980e-9
V = ofiber.V_parameter( core_radius,NA,λ)
b = ofiber.LP_mode_value(V, ell, em)
E_true = ofiber.LP_radial_irradiance(V, b, ell, r/ core_radius)/area
E_env  = ofiber.gaussian_radial_irradiance(V, r/ core_radius)/area
plt.plot(r*1e6, E_true*1e-12)
plt.plot(r*1e6, E_env*1e-12)
plt.axvline( core_radius*1e6, color='black')
plt.ylabel("Normalized Irradiance")
plt.title(r'Ghatak Figure 14.13a ($\lambda$=%.0f nm)'% (λ*1e9))

λ = 1500e-9
V = ofiber.V_parameter( core_radius,NA,λ)
b = ofiber.LP_mode_value(V, ell, em)
E_true = ofiber.LP_radial_irradiance(V, b, ell, r/ core_radius)/area
E_env  = ofiber.gaussian_radial_irradiance(V, r/ core_radius)/area
plt.plot(r*1e6, E_true*1e-12)
plt.plot(r*1e6, E_env*1e-12)
plt.axvline( core_radius*1e6, color='black')
plt.xlabel("Radial Position (microns)")
plt.ylabel("Normalized Irradiance")
plt.title(r'Ghatak Figure 14.13b ($\lambda$=%.0f nm)'% (λ*1e9))


The total power is normalized to the area of the core

\[\frac{1}{\pi a^2}\cdot 2\pi \int_0^\infty \mbox{gaussian\_radial\_irradiance}(r) r dr = 1\]

thus if \(f(r)\)=gaussian_radial_irradiance(V,r/a)/(np.pi*a**2) then

\[2\pi \int_0^\infty f(r) r dr = 1\]
print(2*np.trapz(E_env*area*r/ core_radius, r/ core_radius) )

print(2*np.pi*np.trapz(E_env*r, r) )

print(2*np.trapz(E_true*area*r/ core_radius, r/ core_radius) )

print(2*np.pi*np.trapz(E_true*r, r) )

Figures 14.14

This is simple because it is a single non-linear ODE

def dPp_dz(Pp, z, Pp0, N_0, abs_pump, b_over_omega):
    '''equation 14.56 in Ghatak'''
    return abs_pump * Pp0 * N_0 * np.log((1+(Pp/Pp0)*np.exp(-b_over_omega**2))/(1+Pp/Pp0))

lambda_pump = 980e-9   # m
N_0         = 6.8e24   # Er ions per m**3
core_radius      = 1.64e-6  # m fiber core
doped_radius     =  core_radius   # m Er doping radius
NA          = 0.21
Ip0         = 7.81e7   # W/m**2

abs_pump   = absorption_cross_section(lambda_pump)
V_pump = ofiber.V_parameter( core_radius, NA, lambda_pump)
Omega_pump = ofiber.gaussian_envelope_Omega(V_pump) *  core_radius
b_over_omega = doped_radius / Omega_pump
Pp0 = Ip0 * np.pi * Omega_pump**2

z = np.linspace(0,7,20)  # meters along doped fiber

Pin = 7 # mW
sol = scipy.integrate.odeint(dPp_dz, Pin*1e-3, z, args=(Pp0, N_0, abs_pump, b_over_omega))
Pp = sol[:,0]
plt.text(0,Pin,"P$_{in}$=%.0f mW" % Pin)

Pin = 5 # mW
sol = scipy.integrate.odeint(dPp_dz, Pin*1e-3, z, args=(Pp0, N_0, abs_pump, b_over_omega))
Pp = sol[:,0]
plt.text(0,Pin,"P$_{in}$=%.0f mW" % Pin)

Pin = 3 # mW
sol = scipy.integrate.odeint(dPp_dz, Pin*1e-3, z, args=(Pp0, N_0, abs_pump, b_over_omega))
Pp = sol[:,0]
plt.text(0,Pin,"P$_{in}$=%.0f mW" % Pin)

plt.xlabel("Position Along Er-doped Fiber (m)")
plt.ylabel("Pump Power (mW)")
plt.title("Ghatak Figure 14.14")

Figures 14.15

This is a bit trickier because there are are two coupled ODEs.

def erbium(y, z, Pp0, A_p, b_over_omega_p, A_s, b_over_omega_s, eta_s):
    '''equation 14.56 and 14.57 in Ghatak'''
    P_p, P_s = y
    p = P_p/Pp0
    dPp_dz = A_p * np.log((1+p*np.exp(-b_over_omega**2))/(1+p))
    dPs_dz = alpha = eta_s * p *(1-np.exp(-b_over_omega_s**2))
    dPs_dz += (1+eta_s)*np.log((1+p*np.exp(-b_over_omega_s**2))/(1+p))
    dPs_dz *= A_s * P_s / P_p
    return [dPp_dz, dPs_dz]

lambda_pump   = 980e-9   # m
lambda_signal = 1550e-9   # m

N_0           = 6.8e24   # Er ions per m**3
core_radius        = 1.64e-6  # m fiber core
doped_radius       =  core_radius   # m Er doping radius
NA            = 0.21

Ip0           = 7.81e7   # W/m**2
Ps0           = 1e-6     # W
eta_s         = 1

abs_pump    = 2.17e-25    # m**2
abs_signal  = absorption_cross_section(lambda_signal)
ems_signal  = emission_cross_section(lambda_signal)
eta_s       = ems_signal/abs_signal

V_pump = ofiber.V_parameter( core_radius, NA, lambda_pump)
Omega_pump = ofiber.gaussian_envelope_Omega(V_pump) *  core_radius

V_signal = ofiber.V_parameter( core_radius, NA, lambda_signal)
Omega_signal = ofiber.gaussian_envelope_Omega(V_signal) *  core_radius

b_over_omega_p = doped_radius / Omega_pump
b_over_omega_s = doped_radius / Omega_signal

Pp0 = Ip0 * np.pi * Omega_pump**2
A_p = N_0 * abs_pump * Pp0
A_s = N_0 * abs_signal * Pp0

z = np.linspace(0,7,20)  # meters along doped fiber

Pin = 7 # mW
sol = scipy.integrate.odeint(erbium, [Pin*1e-3,Ps0], z, args=(Pp0, A_p, b_over_omega_p, A_s, b_over_omega_s, eta_s))
Pp = sol[:,0]
Ps = sol[:,1]*1e6
plt.text(z[-1],Ps[-1],"P$_{in}$=%.0f mW" % Pin, ha='right')

Pin = 5 # mW
sol = scipy.integrate.odeint(erbium, [Pin*1e-3,Ps0], z, args=(Pp0, A_p, b_over_omega_p, A_s, b_over_omega_s, eta_s))
Pp = sol[:,0]
Ps = sol[:,1]*1e6
plt.text(z[-1],Ps[-1],"P$_{in}$=%.0f mW" % Pin, ha='right')

Pin = 3 # mW
sol = scipy.integrate.odeint(erbium, [Pin*1e-3,Ps0], z, args=(Pp0, A_p, b_over_omega_p, A_s, b_over_omega_s, eta_s))
Pp = sol[:,0]
Ps = sol[:,1]*1e6

plt.text(z[-1],Ps[-1],"P$_{in}$=%.0f mW" % Pin, ha='right')

plt.xlabel("Position Along Er-doped Fiber (m)")
plt.ylabel(r"Signal Power ($\mu$W)")
plt.title("Ghatak Figure 14.15")

Figures 14.16

Exactly the same as above, but take the log of the results

Pin = 7 # mW
sol = scipy.integrate.odeint(erbium, [Pin*1e-3,Ps0], z, args=(Pp0, A_p, b_over_omega_p, A_s, b_over_omega_s, eta_s))
Pp = sol[:,0]
Ps = 10*np.log10(sol[:,1]/Ps0)
plt.text(z[-1],Ps[-1],"P$_{in}$=%.0f mW" % Pin, ha='right')

Pin = 5 # mW
sol = scipy.integrate.odeint(erbium, [Pin*1e-3,Ps0], z, args=(Pp0, A_p, b_over_omega_p, A_s, b_over_omega_s, eta_s))
Pp = sol[:,0]
Ps = 10*np.log10(sol[:,1]/Ps0)
plt.text(z[-1],Ps[-1],"P$_{in}$=%.0f mW" % Pin, ha='right')

Pin = 3 # mW
sol = scipy.integrate.odeint(erbium, [Pin*1e-3,Ps0], z, args=(Pp0, A_p, b_over_omega_p, A_s, b_over_omega_s, eta_s))
Pp = sol[:,0]
Ps = 10*np.log10(sol[:,1]/Ps0)
plt.text(z[-1],Ps[-1],"P$_{in}$=%.0f mW" % Pin, ha='right')

plt.xlabel("Position Along Er-doped Fiber (m)")
plt.ylabel("Signal Gain (dB)")
plt.title("Ghatak Figure 14.16")

Problem 14.2

For the fiber parameters given by equation (14.58), assuming low signal power, obtain the threshold pump power required for amplification of the signal at any value of \(z\).

pump_wavelength               = 980e-9  # m
signal_wavelength             = 1550e-9 # m

#typical erbium doped fiber
core_radius      = 1.64e-6  #m r
doped_radius     = 1.64e-6  #m doping_radius
NA          = 0.21

abs_pump   = absorption_cross_section(pump_wavelength)
abs_signal = absorption_cross_section(signal_wavelength)
ems_signal = emission_cross_section(signal_wavelength)


t_sp        = 12e-3    #s
doping_con  = 6.8e24   #m^-3 doping_concentration
pump_abs    = 2.17e-25 #m^2 pump_absorption_cross_section
signal_abs  = 2.57e-25 #m^2 signal_absorption_cross_section
signal_em   = 3.41e-25 #m^2 signal_emission_cross_section

V_p = ofiber.V_parameter( core_radius, NA,  pump_wavelength)
Omega_p = ofiber.gaussian_envelope_Omega(V_p) *  core_radius

V_s = ofiber.V_parameter( core_radius, NA, signal_wavelength)
Omega_s = ofiber.gaussian_envelope_Omega(V_s) *  core_radius

# solving for the gaussian envelope approximation

ko_pump   = 2*np.pi/pump_wavelength
ko_signal = 2*np.pi/signal_wavelength
Vp = ko_pump*core_radius*NA
Vs = ko_signal*core_radius*NA
Wp = 1.1428*Vp-0.996  #using the approximation from chapter 8.
Ws = 1.1428*Vs-0.996  #using the approximation from chapter 8. (stretching the appoximation criteria out)
Up = np.sqrt(Vp**2-Wp**2)
Us = np.sqrt(Vs**2-Ws**2)

gaussian_pump   = core_radius*scipy.special.j0(Up)*(Vp/Up)*(scipy.special.k1(Wp)/scipy.special.k0(Wp))
gaussian_signal = core_radius*scipy.special.j0(Us)*(Vs/Us)*(scipy.special.k1(Ws)/scipy.special.k0(Ws))
n_s = signal_em/signal_abs

print('''Gaussian pump envelope   = {0:.2f}um
Gaussian signal envelope = {1:.2f}um
ns = {2:.2f}'''.format(gaussian_pump*1e6,gaussian_signal*1e6,n_s))

I_p0 = (h*(c/pump_wavelength))/(pump_abs*t_sp)
P_p0 = np.pi*gaussian_pump**2*I_p0
#print('''Threshold pump Irradiance = {0:.2e} W/m^2
#Threshold pump power = {1:.1e} mW'''.format(I_p0,P_p0*1e3))

# To have amplification at any z vaue dPs/dz must be > 0.
#expression whose roots to find

def threshold_Pp (Pp):
    a = (Pp/P_p0)* n_s * (1-np.exp((-core_radius**2/gaussian_signal**2)))
    b = (1+n_s) * np.log((1 + (Pp/P_p0)*np.exp(-core_radius**2/gaussian_signal**2))/(1 + (Pp/P_p0)))
    return a+b

Pp = np.linspace(-.25,.25,100)

plt.xlabel("Pump Power [W]")

threshold_initial_guess= 0.05
threshold_solution = scipy.optimize.fsolve(threshold_Pp, threshold_initial_guess)

print ("The solution is threshold power = {0}mW".format(threshold_solution[0] * 1e3))
print ("at which the value of the expression is %f" % threshold_Pp(threshold_solution)[0])
print ('Thus Pp/Pp0 = {:.2f}'.format(P_p0/threshold_solution[0]))
#couldn't get code to produce correct answer from graphs so used easier method below

#I_p0 = (h*(c/pump_wavelength))/(pump_abs*t_sp)
#P_p0 = pi*gaussian_pump**2*I_p0
#print('''Threshold pump Irradiance = {0:.2e} W/m^2
#Threshold pump power = {1:.1e} mW'''.format(I_p0,P_p0*1e3))
Gaussian pump envelope   = 1.35um
Gaussian signal envelope = 1.95um
ns = 1.33
The solution is threshold power = 0.45489300717913156mW
at which the value of the expression is -0.000000
Thus Pp/Pp0 = 0.97

Problem 14.3

For a fiber above, calculate the threshold pump powers corresponding to a signal wavelength of 1530 nm assuming 𝜎_sa = 5.25 x 10^{-25} m², 𝜎_se = 4.36 x 10-25 m²)

signal_wavelength = 1530e-9
signal_em  = 4.36e-25
signal_abs = 5.25e-25

ko_pump   = 2*np.pi/pump_wavelength
ko_signal = 2*np.pi/signal_wavelength

Vs = ko_signal*core_radius*NA
Ws = 1.1428*Vs-0.996  #using the approximation from chapter 8. (stretching the appoximation criteria out)
Us = np.sqrt(Vs**2-Ws**2)

gaussian_signal = core_radius*scipy.special.j0(Us)*(Vs/Us)*(scipy.special.k1(Ws)/scipy.special.k0(Ws))
n_s = signal_em/signal_abs

print('''Gaussian pump envelope   = {0:.2f}um
Gaussian signal envelope = {1:.2f}um
ns = {2:.2f}'''.format(gaussian_pump*1e6,gaussian_signal*1e6,n_s))

I_p0 = (h*(c/pump_wavelength))/(pump_abs*t_sp)
P_p0 = np.pi*gaussian_pump**2*I_p0
#print('''Threshold pump Irradiance = {0:.2e} W/m^2
#Threshold pump power = {1:.1e} mW'''.format(I_p0,P_p0*1e3))

# To have amplification at any z vaue dPs/dz must be > 0.
#expression whose roots to find

def threshold_Pp (Pp):
    a = (Pp/P_p0)* n_s * (1-np.exp((-core_radius**2/gaussian_signal**2)))
    b = (1+n_s) * np.log((1 + (Pp/P_p0)*np.exp(-core_radius**2/gaussian_signal**2))/(1 + (Pp/P_p0)))
    return a+b

threshold_initial_guess= 0.1
threshold_solution = scipy.optimize.fsolve(threshold_Pp, threshold_initial_guess)

print ("The solution is threshold power = %.0f µW"%(threshold_solution[0] * 1e6))
print ("at which the value of the expression is %.5f" % threshold_Pp(threshold_solution[0]))
Gaussian pump envelope   = 1.35um
Gaussian signal envelope = 1.92um
ns = 0.83
The solution is threshold power = 736 µW
at which the value of the expression is -0.00000

Problem 14.4

Consider an erbium-doped fiber with Ω_p = 1.591 𝜇m, Ω_s = 2.2881 𝜇m, and a core radius of 2.5 𝜇m. Estimate the threshold pump power required for achieving amplification at any value of z for doping radii b = a, 0.5a, 0.25a, and 0.1a for a signal wavelength of 1550 nm for which 𝜂_s = 1.327. Assume 𝜎_pa = 2.17e-25 m², t_sp = 12 ms, λ_p = 980 𝜇m.


gaussian_pump = 1.591e-6 #m gaussian_signal = 2.288e-6 #m a = 2.5e-6 #m Core Radius dopping_radius = [a,a*.5,a*.25,a*.1] r = 2.5e-6*.1 signal_wavelength = 1550e-9 #m ns = 1.327 pump_abs = 2.17e-25# m^2 tsp = 12e-3 #s pump_wavelength = 980e-9 #m I_p0 = (h*(c/pump_wavelength))/(pump_abs*tsp) Pp0 = np.pi*gaussian_pump**2*I_p0 def threshold_Pp (Pp): a = (Pp/Pp0)* ns * (1-np.exp((-r**2/gaussian_signal**2))) b = (1+n_s) * np.log((1 + (Pp/Pp0)*np.exp(-r**2/gaussian_signal**2))/(1 + (Pp/Pp0))) return a+b #for d in dopping_radius: threshold_initial_guess= .6 threshold_sol = scipy.optimize.fsolve(threshold_Pp, threshold_initial_guess) print ("The solution is threshold power = %.0f µW"%(threshold_sol[0] * 1e6)) print ("at which the value of the expression is %.5f" % threshold_Pp(threshold_sol[0]))
The solution is threshold power = 236 µW
at which the value of the expression is 0.00000
[ ]: